9 thoughts on “Isle Au Haut…Isle of Beauty

  1. pefairy (Post author)

    A family wedding got us to this amazing location. It has been a week, and we wish we were still there. Even though the weather was very warm, the sea breeze was always there to cool you off. Since it was an island, there was always a breeze.

    I hope everyone is having a fun summer so far!!

  2. reeghan

    Hi Mrs.Ferrie, we went to Ocean City. I boogie boarded with my dad and played Can Jam (which is a game with a frisbee).I have a lot of sports camps to go to soccer,basketball,softball. I think I am doing a running camp, but I’m not 100% sure . I am having a great summer, and I hope you are too. Have a great summer!!!!

  3. Julia E

    GO SUMMER! More fun, less homework. I have also been spending some time in the National Parks. My family went to Yosemite secuia and kings canoyn national parks and san franciso . I bet you had amzing vaction.I got back today 12:00 . I wish everyone a happy heathy summer.

  4. pefairy (Post author)

    Hi Reeghan! It is great to hear from you. I feel like we have been out of school much longer than two weeks. I miss everyone!
    You sound like you are keeping super active!! Me too 🙂
    I love the summer because I can work out almost every day. Yesterday while I was on my four mile run, it started to rain. However, the rain was warm…it was awesome!!
    We have Can Jam at our house too. My kids love playing. We are also swimming alot.
    Hope to see you soon!

    Mrs. Ferrie

  5. pefairy (Post author)

    Hi Jules! You went on a HUGE trip! Lucky you. Make sure to really thank your parents for such an awesome adventure. I am not sure if I will ever get to those amazing places. We are keeping busy and active every day. We have a pool and my daughter thinks she is half fish. I cannot get her out of the water 🙂
    Keep in touch….hope to see you soon!
    Mrs. Ferrie

  6. Genevieve

    But I did have a pretty crazy vacation!Me and my family went to Rhode Island and we were gonna stay in a house that we rented for a week but when we got there there were people already in there and they said that THEY had rented the house for the week so we had nowhere to go but in the end the people left because their house was 20 minutes away!I also went to a Yankee game for my cousin’s b-day a the beginning of the summer and it was awesome!!It was my fist time there and I was on the jumbo tron!And today I went to Lake Nancy and I went tubing for the first time!!WHAT A SUMMER!!!!

  7. pefairy (Post author)

    Hi Genevieve! You did have a very active summer! I haven’t been to Rhode Island before. I bet it is beautiful. I wish I could have seen a Yankees game too!!!! Did you se Derek Jeter play?
    Make the most of these last few weeks of summer 🙂
    Mrs. Ferrie

  8. Genevieve

    Rhode Island is really beautiful!I really wish I had seen Derek Jeter play but he was hurt so he had to stay in the dugout the whole game!He’s my favorite player! 🙂

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