May 29

Hard Work + Heart = Field Day Success

Pashley Polar Bears!


4th &5th Grade Field Day today!!

photo 2

What will you remember most from field day??

photo 1

Thank you to the parents that helped with field day, and those who came to cheer!!

Posted May 29, 2014 by pefairy in category Sports, Sportsmanship

11 thoughts on “Hard Work + Heart = Field Day Success

  1. Olivia T

    Love those pictures! I had so much fun today, and, as my mother said, I probably have been talking about it for the past two months! 🙂 I will remember my classmates cheering me on, as well as the great effort everyone put into this day. Can’t wait to show our Pashley Pride in districts!

  2. pefairy (Post author)

    Olivia…I was so proud of ALL of you! Everyone tried their best, and demonstrated the TRUE spirit of competition. Way to never give up and dig deep! Pashley had HEART today 🙂

  3. Prudence

    Loved field day!I had so much fun with my friends and the events.I will always remember 5th grade field day!!!

  4. pefairy (Post author)

    Prudence, great job at field day! You all worked so hard to prepare. Awesome effort!

  5. pefairy (Post author)

    There might just be a mystery Pashley Fan coming to district field day…any guess who it might be??

  6. Emma

    I had so much fun!! Even though I didn’t place on 220 and softball throw it was fun!!

  7. pefairy (Post author)

    I am still thinking how awesome that competition was. All the athletes worked so hard.
    It was nice to finish with more points this time!!

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