March 18

Movies That Motivate or Inspire…


We just went to see the movie,  McFarland USA

We loved the story (true story, in fact).

“A football coach with prior anger management issues has taken the only job open to him, in a California Central Valley farming town where most of the students work in the fields in the early hours before class. The coach uncovers an opportunity to salvage his life and greatly enrich the lives of his students. Then he wholeheartedly embarks on a (literally) uphill battle to make this endeavor work. “- See more at:

  • From the first sentence of the first scene, I was captivated.
  • I spent the next 129 minutes laughing, smiling and drying my eyes (allergies, right?)

Has you seen a movie that has motivated or inspired you?  Maybe it was a sport movie or another kind?

What movie has motivated or inspired you?

Posted March 18, 2015 by pefairy in category Family Journal, Sports, Sportsmanship

2 thoughts on “Movies That Motivate or Inspire…

  1. sophia t

    its a movie called rudy and the reason why i like it is because he wanted to get into Nortre Dame to play football but everyone said he couldn’t so he kept trying and finally he got in and his coach never let him play in games but on the big game day everyone said im quitting unless you put rudy in so the coach put him in and he made history and its a true story and not one person since has been carried of the football field ever since that.

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