December 31

Our Journey to Staying Healthy 2015!

In what small ways will YOU be mindful of  YOUR  HEALTHY New Year’s HABITS?

Pick something to be mindful of, with eating

Pick something to be mindful of, with exercise

Pick something to be mindful of, at school or work

Have a WONDERFUL Healthy, Happy!! New Year Pashley Polar Bears!!

 1. conscious or aware of something.
Our word of the week in January 🙂

Posted December 31, 2014 by pefairy in category Uncategorized

73 thoughts on “Our Journey to Staying Healthy 2015!

  1. pefairy (Post author)

    Happy New Year Pashley Polar Bears!!
    Here are Mrs. Ferrie’s mindful healthy habits for 2015…

    Eating habits, I will continue to NOT drink soda (it has been since August!)

    Exercise habits, I will schedule a class or a run on Wednesdays. I need that boost in the middle of the week. My Yoga classes are on the weekends.

    Work habits, I will try to connect with teachers about what they are covering in class so we can reinforce it in PE (where ever possible :-))

  2. Mrs. Bonacio

    Eating habits, I will drink one cup of coffee a day (even if it is a large one)

    Exercise habits, I will continue to run at least four days a week.

    Work habits, I will try to get into our classrooms even more. I really enjoy watching our wonderful staff teach and watching the Pashley children learn.

    I will ask Mrs. Ferrie to do bubble wrap one more time this year:)

  3. Mr. Scalise

    Eating habits, I will eat a healthy lunch each day and no snacks after 8pm. ( A healthy and filling dinner would help:))

    Exercise habits, I will start to exercise each morning for 45 minutes before heading to work.

    Work habits, I will go visit the schools more often to see the great things going on in PE classes by our staff and students.

  4. pefairy (Post author)

    Mrs. Bonacio…good for you!! I am not surprised that you make exercise a priority!
    As for 1 cup of coffee…I agree, make it a BIG one!! We love when you visit us in PE! Thanks for always “jumping” in and participating 🙂

    Let’s get that bubble wrap out again!!

    Happy New Year!!

    Mrs. Ferrie

  5. pefairy (Post author)

    Mr. Scalise,
    Packing a healthy lunch is easy if you can do it the night before. If I am running late in the morning and I have forgotten to pack my lunch, it usually isn’t the healthiest lunch. Then, my afternoons I am without energy 🙁

    Exercise before work is another great idea! It can get you focused for the day while exercising the body.

    We always like when you stop by to visit. Just be prepared to participate 🙂

    Happy New Year!!

    Mrs. Ferrie

  6. Mrs. Fernau

    Eating habits – more water, less soda!!

    Exercise habits – walk more during the day, continue with my 6:00 a.m. classes at the YMCA

    Work habits – try to be more organized ahead of time and not doing things last minute!

  7. Mrs. Symer

    Eating Habits: I will eat a healthy breakfast before work and not snack after 8:00 pm.

    Exercise Habits: I will exercise at least three times per week before work.

    Work Habits: I will continue to visit schools and classrooms to learn more about the wonderful activities students are involved in each day.

  8. pefairy (Post author)

    Hi Mrs. Fernau!! More water is always a great idea…especially when the winter brings such dry air. I actually do not miss soda at all. I feel much healthier without the “pop”. Now I need to get my husband to cut out the soda ;-).
    See you Monday!!
    Mrs. Ferrie

  9. pefairy (Post author)

    Happy New Year Mrs. Symer, thanks for checking in!
    A healthy breakfast is soo important. I will send you my breakfast snack that I make with only 4 ingredients.
    They are made with ripe bananas, peanut butter, oatmeal and a few chocolate chips (or dried cranberries). They are really good!!

  10. Mrs. Kelly

    Happy New Year Everyone!!!!

    For 2015, I will:

    -continue to drink my nutriblast shakes each morning to get my fruits and veggies each day. These drinks help to give me the energy to keep up with my Kindergarten friends each day 🙂

    -continue to work hard in my PT sessions so that I can get my leg back in order and get back to my running and fun exercise videos 🙂

    -continue to work hard and plan lessons which will help my students grow and become successful learners while also having fun, building strong friendships and developing a love of learning 🙂

  11. pefairy (Post author)

    Hello Mrs. Kelly 🙂

    I love smoothies for breakfast too. During the summer I have fresh smoothies every day!! I always added kale to them. Do you like Kale?
    I look forward to seeing all of the Kindergartener’s at Pashley. What a super group of kids! AND a super group of teachers’ that teach them.

    See you Monday!
    Mrs. Ferrie

  12. Mr. McGrath

    Eating Habits- I will try to eat more fresh vegetables- especially good salads- every day.

    Exercise Habits- I will try to get disciplined about working out and running 5 times a week.

    Work Habits- I will try to be on time for all of the things I have to attend!

    Have a great 2015!

  13. pefairy (Post author)

    Mr. McGrath,
    Happy Healthy New Year! Having more vegetables is a great way to be mindful about healthy eating. I usually bring soup to school for lunch, but I think I will make time to bring salads too.
    In my house and car, I set the clocks ahead by 5 minutes. That seems to help me stay on time better 🙂

    Thanks for checking in!
    Mrs. Ferrie

  14. Ms. O'Rourke

    Hello Pashley Polar Bears,

    For 2015, I’d like to become more healthy by:

    -eating more veggies!
    -sleeping 8 hours a night ( or more!)
    -drinking more water daily
    – exercise a bit more and maybe learn a new sport / hobby

    Happy New Year Everyone 🙂
    Ms. O’Rourke

  15. Mr. Leggieri

    Eating Habits: I will make a very healthy breakfast a priority each day.

    Exercise Habits: I will track my progress in my strength training to help me achieve my goals.

    Work Habits: I will continue to enjoy doing my part in making the PEP Grant have a lasting effect on our PE programs in BH-BL!

    Happy New Year, Mrs. Ferrie!

  16. pefairy (Post author)

    Hi Ms. O’Rourke!!

    Eating more veggies is a healthy idea. If they are already cut up, I am better at choosing them for a snack.

    Water is another great way of staying healthy. I love the special water filter/fountain we have at Pashley. Do you use that one too?

    Thanks for checking in!! You are a great role model for your students 🙂

    Mrs. Ferrie

  17. pefairy (Post author)

    Hi Mr. Leggieri!
    Happy New Year to you! I like how you “track your progress” in your strength training program. That way you can actually see how much stronger you are getting.
    In my Yoga classes, many of the poses are challenging to me. However, I have been able to master some of them recently. That is like tracking my progress as well.

    Thanks for checking in!!
    Mrs. Ferrie

    PS Do you like bananas? I have a great recipe for a breakfast snack…I will send the recipe to the middle school.

  18. Jamisen V.

    My new year’s resolution is to eat healthier and practice my sports and stretch more. 🙂

  19. jocelyn

    My new years resolution is to eat healthier and do more sports and be more active and stretch more:)!!!!!!!!!!

  20. Katie Jones

    Hi,Mrs Ferrie my new years revolution is to eat healthy and to run at least 2 times per week and to run at least 30 min. every time i go running.

  21. molly p

    Hi, its molly I also have another New Years revolution I want to eat at least 2 or 3 fruits and vegetables a day.

  22. Mrs. Safford

    For my 2015 Resolutions…I will…
    -Drink at least 6-8 8oz of water
    -Excerise at least 3 times a week
    -Get 8 hrs of sleep each night
    AND since the Polar Bears are doing YOGA in PE class…I would like to attend a couple of YOGA classes.
    Happy New Year!!!!
    Mrs. Safford

  23. coach prendergast

    My diet goal is to at least cut down on soda (i will always need it with pizza)
    and to cut down on snacks at night

    I also will be setting more precise goals when i workout so i can work towards something instead of just working out and not tracking anything. It could hold me back a bit if i don’t set goals

    And my work goal is to get certified to be a physical education teacher, which means i have to work hard and study to pass my tests

    Go Yankees, Go Giants, Go Michigan

  24. pefairy (Post author)

    Mrs. Safford,
    Make sure to join us…listen for that relaxing music in the gym 🙂

    Mrs. Ferrie

  25. pefairy (Post author)

    Hey Mr. Prendergast!!
    Hope you are having a super year! We sure miss you at Pashley. The students still ask when you will be visiting…
    I feel so much healthier NOT drinking soda. When I have pizza, I try to have apple juice or ice tea. Soda has a lot sugar and does damage to your teeth.
    Setting goals is a really good way to be mindful of your progress and focus in workouts. I like that idea!
    We can’t wait for you to get officially certified. We already know that you are a GREAT teacher!!

    Happy New Year!
    Mrs. Ferrie

  26. Liam 4K

    New Year’s Resolution’s

    One way I’ll be mindful and healthy is by eating more fruit and vegetables.
    Another way I will be mindful with exercise is by going outside a little more.
    A third way I will be mindful with work or at school is by trying my best.

  27. shane 4k

    I will be mindful of eating candy because it will rot your teeth and could give you cavities.
    I will also be mindful to not just do one kind of exercise because it works only on one part of your body.
    I will also be mindful to be nice to friends at school so I will have more friends.

  28. Noah 4k

    I will be mindful of my healthy New Years’ Resolutions
    1.This year my New Years’ Resolution for eating would be to eat more fruit.
    2.This year my New Years’ Resolution for exercising would be to run a 5k with my Mom.
    3.This year my New Years’ Resolution for school is to spend a little more time on my homework.

  29. Jimmy 4-K

    I’m going to eat less chocolate.
    I am also going to exercise during commercials.
    And I will learn twice as much in school.

  30. Alejandra 4-K

    One way I will be mindful of eating is making sure that I get protein, dairy, fruits, vegetables and wheat every day. Another way I will be mindful of exercising by playing outside at least two hours a day. The last way I will be mindful of school work is by at least doing one hour of homework.

  31. Ariana 4-K

    Eating: My New Year’s resolution to be mindful of my healthy eating habit, I hope to eat healthier when I eat at home and school.

    Exercise: My New Year’s resolution is to be mindful of my exercise, I want to exercise more and be more active. Mrs.Ferrie always told the class that people who exercise are happier than people who don’t and I want to be happy!:)

    School/Work: My New Year’s resolution to be mindful of school, I hope to get better grades in school and work harder.

  32. Kyle 4k

    NewYears Goals for pe blog!
    In 2015 I will try to eat less pasta.
    In 2015 I will try to play more basketball and play with my
    new soccer ball I got for xmas!
    In 2015 I will try to do better on my math tests

  33. Tom 4k

    This upcoming year I will be eating less fast food.This upcoming year I will be playing less video games.This upcoming year in school I will stop being funny when it is not appropriate.

  34. Ella 4K

    Three thing I will be mindful of are eating healthier, working out more, and being helpful when ever needed.

  35. jared 4k

    One way I will eat better in 2015 is I will try not to eat as many chips.
    One way I will be mindful about exercise is I will try to ride my bike more.
    The last thing I will be mindful about is school work. I think I could be mindful about school work by trying harder on my math tests.

  36. Gabe 4K

    My 2015 resolutions

    I will try to be mindful of eating by not eating a lot of bad foods.

    I will also be mindful of exercising by not playing Trap Team and exercising more.

    I will be more mindful at school by not fooling around a lot.

  37. sierra

    The first thing I am going do is start to eat healthier so I don’t get sick. I will do more yoga so I can be more relaxed because sometimes I need to relax. I will work on my math harder and I will try to improve my work.

  38. Erin 4-k

    I will be mindful of my healthy New Year’s habits by…
    I will eat less junk food such as ice cream.
    I will exercise more and do better in gymnastics.
    I also want to do better with my math facts and reading test.

  39. Katherine 4-K

    For my resolution I will try to eat one vegetable and one fruit. Plus, I will not eat a lot of bad foods because they’re bad for you. And that’s my New Year’s resolution for healthy eating. My second New Year’s resolution is to get a lot of exercise in, like play soccer and basketball with my sister Natalie. And dont forget my third resolution it’s about keeping my grades up. I will try to keep my grades up and study as much as I can. And those are my three resolutions.

  40. mikayla 4k

    My New Year’s Resolution
    I am going to be mindful and keep these resolutions: cool new food I have never tried
    2.To do more dance classes with my friends
    3. To keep my desk clean and organized

  41. Elise 4K

    One mindful way to eat better is to eat more veggies and fruit. Another way to be mindful is to exercise more by doing more yoga. One other way to be mindful in school is to be better at math.

  42. Sarah 4k

    l will be mindful of eat less surgry treats more healthy

    2 .l will be more mindful of exercising more and participating in more outside activities.

    3.l will be more mindful of play with more people.

  43. Luke 4k

    I will be more mindful of eating less junkier snacks and more healthy ones.

    When exercising I will be more mindful of playing outside every day for at least thirty minutes.

    I will be more mindful of taking my time when writing in cursive.

  44. Adonis4k

    One way I will be mindful and more healthy is eating healthy food like salad, green beans and other healthy things like carrots and an apple every day. These are good things to eat because they are healthy for you and they will make you very healthy and strong. I also think that you
    should have a healthy breakfast.

    I also think that you should work out every day like push ups, sit ups, pull ups and jumping jacks.
    It is very healthy for the body.

    I think a way to be mindful is be good in school and do all your homework.

  45. Carys c

    Happy late new year! My New Years resolution is to eat more fruits and vegetables! And mr prendergast, pleaseeeeee come back!

  46. Ms. O'Rourke

    Hello Mrs. Ferrie,
    Thanks for writing back! My class and I are very excited to participate in your blog. We look forward to contributing to it throughout 2015!

    I actually did not know that we had a special water filter/ fountain at Pashley. I just asked my students about it and they said it is wonderful to use! I will have to check it out tomorrow.

    Ms. O’Rourke 🙂

  47. ERIC 4-O'R

    Hello Mrs.Ferrie,

    I drink a lot of water each day. I run out of water some days. Water is my favorite drink of all. I also drink fruit smoothies in the summer time. I put healthy fruit in them. I also put milk in my smoothies also for a little protein in it 🙂

    Eric 4-OR

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